
Cfast stands for ‘Cosmetically Focused Adult Straight Teeth’. It is a cost effective, gentle and minimally invasive treatment for adults that uses sound orthodontic principles to straighten the upper and lower front six teeth, commonly known as the ‘social six’ that make up your visible smile. The tooth movement is called rotating, levelling, and aligning, and results in an improved smile.


The procedure is fast, taking a lot less time than traditional orthodontics/braces. Your dentist may need to shape some teeth slightly in order to help them align correctly, but Cfast does not remove teeth or use other appliances as part of the procedure.

There are 3 types of Cfast:


Option 1: Cfast Clear Brace. Using tooth-coloured wire and clear brackets it gently straightens your teeth to give you a healthy, beautiful smile. The treatment uses lighter forces than conventional orthodontics so it is more comfortable. It is also quicker.


Option 2: Cfast Invisible Brace – Simple Lingual. The ultimate aesthetic brace. Simple Lingual uses brackets positioned on the inside of the mouth to gently move and align the front 4-6 teeth, for those people for whom speed and appearance are essential. Lingual braces are customised to your mouth which helps make them efficient, effective and less intrusive.


Option 3: Smile Tru-clear aligners. Smile Tru translucent sequential tooth positioners are clear aligners that will move the teeth gently into position. The aligners are worn progressively as the tooth moves for a period of approximately two weeks per aligner.

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