Oral Surgery

If there is a buildup of plaque and calculus in your teeth, bacteria can be trapped, which may result in gum diseases. For mild cases, improving your oral hygiene routine can help to alleviate the condition. However, if the condition is severe, your doctor may suggest gum treatment or even gum surgery.


We provide deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) which requires local anaesthesia and is non-surgical, and also the surgical process of open flap debridement.


What is deep cleaning and what does it involve?


Deep cleaning involves scaling and root planing. Scaling allows plaque and calculus above the gumline to be scraped off your teeth using ultrasonic tools. Root planing, which involves scaling the surface of the root, will likewise dislodge unwanted materials that allows for plaque and calculus development.


Depending on the condition of your gum and teeth, more than 1 appointment may be required to complete the treatment. After each session, your gum may feel sore and sensitive to both cold substances. This can be alleviated with oral products that is suitable for sensitive teeth.


What is open flap debridement and what does it involve?


For more severe gum diseases, open flap debridement is required. This is a form of periodontal surgery that allows the dentist to reach into the deep recesses of your gum in order to remove the plaque and calculus buildup. These pockets of the gums will be reduced which better prevent potential areas for bacteria to reside in. This surgical process requires the gum to be folded away from the teeth, which will expose the root surfaces of the teeth, allowing for the removal of unwanted materials.


If bone or gum tissue was destroyed by the gum disease, your dentist may also recommend bone or tissue grafts to promote growth of the destroyed materials.

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