5 Easy Ways to Keep your Kids Teeth Clean & Healthy
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5 Easy Ways to Keep your Kids Teeth Clean & Healthy

5 Easy Ways to Keep your Kids Teeth Clean & Healthy - 5 Easy Ways to Keep your Kids Teeth Clean Healthy - 5 Easy Ways to Keep your Kids Teeth Clean & Healthy

5 Easy Ways to Keep your Kids Teeth Clean & Healthy

Taking children to the dentist is necessary to keep their teeth healthy and promote excellent oral hygiene habits. Start establishing good dental practices in children early by following these simple steps, shared by GPA Dental.



The earlier children visit the dentist, the better. This will provide them with a place where all their dental needs will be taken care of, be it a periodic preventive visit or an emergency. It’s best that the first visit starts at the age of one or when the first tooth is visible.



Teach children that visits to the dentist are a necessity, not a choice, and that the dentist will take care of their teeth so that they are strong. You might also explain that the dentist helps keep cavities at bay and ensures that his patients will have a beautiful smile for years to come.



As their teeth continue to fall out and grow, children may require at least 10 trips to the dentist before starting kindergarten. Regular visits will help maintain healthy baby teeth, which allows for proper eruption of the adult teeth. If a baby tooth gets infected and has to be extracted, then, in some cases, the adult teeth may not be able to erupt in straight alignment due to the loss of space.



Refrain from using words such as shot, hurt or pain with children. Instead, let the dental staff introduce their own vocabulary to children to get them through difficult situations. Always use positive phrases like “clean, strong healthy teeth” to make the visit seem fun and good rather than scary or alarming.



Growing doesn’t stop at childhood, and during their teen years, adolescents get the last of their permanent teeth. These newly erupted teeth are especially vulnerable to decay, but can benefit greatly from sealants, which are a clear or shaded plastic material placed in the pits and grooves of the teeth to help prevent decay.

Additionally, parents should teach their teenagers the importance of good dietary choices so they can build a solid foundation in dental health for healthy teeth all through life.

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